
This module contains data parsers to process both computational and experimental raw data files. The D3TaLES parser then converts the processed data to the D3TaLES schema. It also contains a submodule for converting data from the backend D3TaLES database to frontend data and pushing the new data to the frontend database.

Full documentation can be found here.

Current Parsers:

  • Molecular DFT

    • Gaussian logfiles

    • Psi4 logfiles (in development)

  • Cyclic Voltammetry

    • Output file from chi_660d, chi_1100b, pine_wavenow instruments

  • UV/Vis Spectroscopy (in development)

    • Excell files

  • Literature Articles

    • Generate article metadata from DOI

Processing Molecular DFT

For this example, we must get an example log file. Here, we pull a Gaussian log file from GitHub D3TaLES API repo.

import shutil
from urllib import request

# Pull example file form GitHub
dft_url = ""
with request.urlopen(dft_url) as response, open("gaussian_ex.log", 'wb') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

To parse the DFT file, simply import the d3tales_parser module and use the ProcessDFT module to parse the data file (in this case, gaussian_ex.log). Here we chose the ProcessGausLog parsing class because our data file is Gaussian format.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

dft_data = ProcessDFT(filepath="gaussian_ex.log", parsing_class=ProcessGausLog)

A user can also include submission_info and metadata in the processing.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

submission_info = {
    "source" : "Risko",
    "author" : "",
    "author_email" : "",
    "upload_time" : "2021-10-01T21:07:29.546377+00:00",
    "file_type" : "zip",
    "data_category" : "computation",
    "data_type" : "gaussian",
    "all_files_in_zip" : [ 
    "approved" : True

metadata = {
    "id" : "opt_groundState",
    "calculation_type" : "tddft_cation1"

dft_data = ProcessDFT(filepath="gaussian_ex.log", submission_info=submission_info, metadata=metadata, parsing_class=ProcessGausLog)

Processing Cyclic Voltmeter

For this example, we must get an example CV file. Here, we pull a CV text file from GitHub D3TaLES API repo.

import shutil
from urllib import request

# Pull example file form GitHub
cv_url = ""
with request.urlopen(cv_url) as response, open("cv_test.txt", 'wb') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

To parse the CV file, simply import the d3tales_parser module and use the ProcessCV module to parse the data file (in this case, cv_test.txt). Here we chose the ParseChiCV parsing class because of the format of our data file.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

cv_data = ProcessCV(filepath="cv_test.txt", _id='test', parsing_class=ParseChiCV)

A user can also include submission_info and metadata in the processing.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

submission_info = {
    "source" : "Risko",
    "author" : "",
    "author_email" : "",
    "upload_time" : "2022-04-14T22:11:23.490652+00:00",
    "file_type" : "csv",
    "data_category" : "experimentation",
    "data_type" : "cv",
    "approved" : False

metadata = {
    "electrode_counter" : "standard_hydrogen_electrode",
    "electrode_working" : "standard_hydrogen_electrode",
    "electrode_reference" : "standard_hydrogen_electrode",
    "solvent" : ["acetonitrile"],
    "electrolyte" : ["tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate"],
    "ionic_liquid" : [],
    "instrument" : "chi_660d,_chi_1100b,_pine_wavenow",
    "working_electrode_surface_area" : "0.05 cm^2",
    "temperature" : "273 K",
    "redox_mol_concentration" : "0.1 M",
    "data_type" : "cv"

cv_data = ProcessCV(filepath="cv_test.txt", _id='test', submission_info=submission_info, metadata=metadata, parsing_class=ParseChiCV)

Processing Literature Articles

Here we generate metadata for an article based on its DOI. To do this, we simply import the d3tales_parser module and use the ProcessNlp module to generate the article metadata.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

doi = "10.1039/c7cs00569e"
nlp_data = ProcessNlp(doi)

We can also instruct the parser to download the article PDF with the article_download kwarg and store it in a directory specified with the download_dir kwarg. The parser will record the PDF location in the output data.

from d3tales_api.Processors.d3tales_parser import *

doi = "10.1039/c7cs00569e"
nlp_data = ProcessNlp(doi, article_download=True, download_dir="temp/")