Welcome to the |D3TaLES| API documentation! =========================================== .. |D3TaLES| replace:: D\ :sup:`3`\ TaLES .. image:: D3TaLES_api_logo.png :target: D3TaLES_api_logo.png :alt: D3TaLES API logo API designed for the `D3TaLES project `_. Includes data processing, database access functions, and property calculators. Modules ------- This API contains four modules: * ``D3database``\ : Interface for interacting with the |D3TaLES| databases. Includes queries, data insertion with validation, and a REST API interface. * ``Processors``\ : Processing code for extracting data from computational and experimental data files as well as `ExpFlow `_ run objects. * ``Calculators``\ : Property calculators and plotters for cyclic voltammetry * ``Workflows``\ : `Fireworks `_ workflow for the |D3TaLES| databases high throughput workflows .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: installation D3database Processors Calculators Workflows d3tales_api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`