import warnings
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles, MolToSmiles
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from d3tales_api.Calculators.calculators import *
from d3tales_api.Calculators.utils import dict2obj
from d3tales_api.D3database.d3database import FrontDB
from d3tales_api.D3database.info_from_smiles import GenerateMolInfo
[docs]def get_id(o):
Get id (either `_id` or `uuid`) from a data object
return getattr(o, '_id', None) or getattr(o, 'uuid', None)
[docs]class ProcessExpFlowObj:
Base class for Processing ExpFlow objects for data analysis
[docs] def __init__(self, expflow_obj, source_group, **kwargs):
:param expflow_obj: obj or dict, ExpFlow object to process
:param source_group: str, source group for ExpFlow object
:param kwargs: object for processing ExpFlow objects
expflow_dict = expflow_obj if isinstance(expflow_obj, dict) else json.loads(
json.dumps(model_to_dict(expflow_obj), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))
self.expflow_obj = dict2obj(expflow_dict)
self.source_group = source_group
self.object_id = get_id(self.expflow_obj)
self.workflow = self.expflow_obj.workflow or []
self.reagents = self.expflow_obj.reagents or []
self.apparatus = self.expflow_obj.apparatus or []
self.instruments = self.expflow_obj.instruments or []
self.kwargs = dict(**kwargs)
self.concentration_smiles = None
self.concentration_volume = None
self.concentration_mass = None
def solvent(self):
"""Redox molecule instance"""
reagent_instance = [e for e in self.reagents if e.type == "solvent"]
if len(reagent_instance) == 1:
return reagent_instance[0]
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} redox molecule entries".format(self.object_id, len(reagent_instance)))
def redox_mol(self):
"""Redox molecule instance"""
reagent_instance = [e for e in self.reagents if e.type == "redox_molecule"]
if len(reagent_instance) == 1:
return reagent_instance[0]
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} redox molecule entries".format(self.object_id, len(reagent_instance)))
def molecule_id(self):
"""Molecule ID"""
if not self.redox_mol:
return None
rdkmol = MolFromSmiles(self.redox_mol.smiles)
clean_smiles = MolToSmiles(rdkmol)
check_id = FrontDB(smiles=clean_smiles).check_if_in_db()
if check_id:
return check_id
instance = GenerateMolInfo(clean_smiles, database="frontend").mol_info_dict
db_insertion = FrontDB(schema_layer='mol_info', instance=instance, smiles=clean_smiles,
def reagents_by_id(self):
"""Dictionary of reagent ids and reagent names"""
reagents_dict = {}
for reagent in self.reagents:
reagent_vars = vars(reagent)
reagents_dict[get_id(reagent)] = reagent_vars
return reagents_dict
def apparatus_by_id(self):
"""Dictionary of apparatus ids and apparatus names"""
apparatus_dict = {}
for apparatus in self.apparatus:
apparatus_vars = vars(apparatus)
apparatus_dict[get_id(apparatus)] = apparatus_vars
return apparatus_dict
# Get instrument name
def instrument_name(self, instrument_idx=0):
"""Instrument name"""
if self.instruments:
return self.instruments[instrument_idx].name
[docs] def property_by_action(self, action_names, parameter_idx=0):
Get molecule_id working electrode surface area
NOTE: this only works if there is only one action of the given name
:param action_names: str or list, name of action to get
:param parameter_idx: index of parameter to get if more than one
:return: return property as data dict
action_names = action_names if isinstance(action_names, list) else [action_names]
for action_name in action_names:
action_instance = [e for e in self.workflow if == action_name]
if len(action_instance) == 1:
action_value = action_instance[0].parameters[parameter_idx].value
action_unit = action_instance[0].parameters[parameter_idx].unit
return {"value": float(action_value), "unit": action_unit}
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} instances of {}. ExpFlow submissions must have 1 instance of {}".format(
self.object_id, len(action_instance), action_name, action_name))
[docs] def get_apparatus(self, apparatus_type, get_uuid=False):
Get apparatus by type
NOTE: this only works if there is only one apparatus of the given type
:param apparatus_type: str, type of apparatus to get
:param get_uuid: bool, return uuid of apparatus, else return apparatus name
:return: apparatus name
beaker_instances = [e for e in self.apparatus if e.type == apparatus_type]
if len(beaker_instances) > 1:
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} beakers entries".format(self.object_id, len(beaker_instances)))
elif len(beaker_instances) == 1:
if get_uuid:
return get_id(beaker_instances[0])
return beaker_instances[0].name
[docs] def get_reagents(self, reagent_type, get_uuids=False):
Get all reagents of a given type
:param reagent_type: str, type of reagent to get
:param get_uuids: bool, return uuid of electrode, else return electrode name
:return: list of reagents (as dict, EX: [{"name": water, "purity": 0.95], or as uuids)
reagent_instance = [e for e in self.reagents if e.type == reagent_type]
instance_list = []
for instance in reagent_instance:
if get_uuids:
instance_list.append(dict(, purity=instance.purity))
return instance_list
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_param_quantity(param_list):
Get parameters with mass and/or volume quantities for all parameters in a list of parameters
:param param_list: list of parameters
:return: list of parameters with mass and/or volume quantities
quantity_param = [q for q in param_list if q.description in ["mass", "volume"]]
if len(quantity_param) != 1:
warnings.warn("Error. Parameter list has {} quantity parameters".format(len(quantity_param)))
return quantity_param[0]
[docs] def get_concentration(self, solvent_uuids, redox_uuid, beaker_uuid):
Set temporary properties for concentration calculator
:param solvent_uuids: list, list of solvent uuids
:param redox_uuid: str, uuid for redox-active molecule
:param beaker_uuid: str, uuid for beaker
:return: concentration data dict
if not solvent_uuids or not redox_uuid or not beaker_uuid:
return None
self.concentration_smiles = [r for r in self.reagents if get_id(r) == redox_uuid][0].smiles
redox_actions = [a for a in self.workflow if
a.start_uuid == redox_uuid and a.end_uuid == beaker_uuid and == 'transfer_solid']
if len(redox_actions) != 1:
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} transfer_solid actions with the same starting and ending point".format(
self.object_id, len(redox_actions)))
return None
self.concentration_mass = self.get_param_quantity(redox_actions[0].parameters)
solvent_actions = [a for a in self.workflow if
a.start_uuid in solvent_uuids and a.end_uuid == beaker_uuid and == 'transfer_liquid']
if len(solvent_actions) != 1:
print("Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} transfer_liquid actions".format(self.object_id, len(redox_actions)))
return None
self.concentration_volume = self.get_param_quantity(solvent_actions[0].parameters)
# Use D3TaLES concentration calculator
connector = {
"smiles": "concentration_smiles",
"weight": "concentration_mass",
"volume": "concentration_volume"
return {"value": ConcentrationCalculator(connector=connector).calculate(self), "unit": "M"}
def redox_mol_concentration(self):
"""Concentration of redox-active molecule"""
return self.get_concentration(self.get_reagents("solvent", get_uuids=True), get_id(self.redox_mol),
self.get_apparatus("beaker", get_uuid=True))
[docs]class ProcessExperimentRun(ProcessExpFlowObj):
Class for Processing Experiment Run object for data analysis
[docs] def get_electrode(self, electrode, get_uuid=False):
Get electrode from experiment data
:param electrode: str,which electrode (working, counter, or reference)
:param get_uuid: bool, return uuid of electrode, else return electrode name
:return: electrode (uuid or name)
electrode_instance = [e for e in self.apparatus if e.type == "electrode_{}".format(electrode)]
if len(electrode_instance) > 1:
"Error. ExpFlow object {} has {} {} electrode entries".format(self.object_id, len(electrode_instance),
elif len(electrode_instance) == 1:
if get_uuid:
return get_id(electrode_instance[0])
return electrode_instance[0].name
def cv_metadata(self):
"""Dictionary of CV metadata (in accordance with D3TaLES schema)"""
metadata = dict(
temperature=self.property_by_action(["heat_stir", "heat"]),
return {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v}