import abc
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
from six import add_metaclass
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolTransforms import SetDihedralDeg
from pymatgen.core.structure import IMolecule
from import GaussianInput
from atomate.utils.utils import get_logger, env_chk
from fireworks import FiretaskBase, explicit_serialize, FWAction
from d3tales_api.Workflows.utils import *
from d3tales_api.Workflows.wtuning import WtuningJob
from d3tales_api.D3database.d3database import D3Database
from d3tales_api.Calculators.ocelot_transform import pmgmol_to_rdmol
logger = get_logger(__name__)
cpus = [multiprocessing.cpu_count() if multiprocessing.cpu_count() < 16 else 16]
nprocs = str(cpus[0])
# Copyright 2021, University of Kentucky
class GaussianBase(FiretaskBase):
_fw_name = "GaussianBase"
[docs] def setup_files(self, fw_spec, calc_type='opt'):
# get parameters
self.gaussian_cmd = env_chk(self.get("g16_cmd"), fw_spec)
name_tag = fw_spec.get("name_tag", ) or self.get("name_tag") or ""
self.full_name = name_tag + self['name']
self.calc_name = self['name']
self.paramset = self["paramset"]
self.identifier = fw_spec.get("identifier", ) or self.get("identifier")
self.runfile_log = env_chk(self.get('runfile_log'), fw_spec)
self.check_if_already_run = fw_spec.get("check_if_already_run") or self.get("check_if_already_run") or False
self.skip_freq = fw_spec.get("skip_freq", ) or self.get("skip_freq") or False
self.skip_freq = True if self.calc_name == "opt_mol" else self.skip_freq
self.submit = fw_spec.get("submit", True) if self.get("submit", True) else self.get("submit")
self.restricted = fw_spec.get("restricted", True) if self.get("restricted", True) else self.get("restricted")
self.run_nto = fw_spec.get("run_nto") or self.get("run_nto") or False
self.gaussian_file_name = fw_spec.get("gaussian_file_name") or self.get("gaussian_file_name") or "gaussian"
# set prefix for the file names
if self.get("prefix"):
prefix = name_tag + self["prefix"]
elif self.get("subtype", ):
prefix = name_tag + calc_type + "_" + self["subtype"]
prefix = name_tag + calc_type + "_mol"
# get calc directory
if self.get("path", ):
self.calc_dir = "{}/{}/{}".format(env_chk(self.get('path'), fw_spec), self.identifier,
self.calc_dir = self.get("calc_dir", os.getcwd())
# get the type of gaussian optimization calculation
if self.get("type", ):
self.type = self["type"]
if self.type == "coupling":
self.working_dir = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(self.calc_dir, self.type, calc_type, self["label"],
elif self.get("label"):
self.working_dir = '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(self.calc_dir, self.type, calc_type, self["label"])
elif self.type.startswith("solv_"):
self.working_dir = '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(self.calc_dir, self.type, calc_type, self["subtype"])
self.working_dir = '{}/{}/{}'.format(self.calc_dir, self.type, calc_type)
self.type = 'mol_{}'.format(calc_type)
self.working_dir = "{}/{}".format(self.calc_dir, self.type)
# Set default files
self.file_com = "{}/{}.com".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.file_chk = "{}/{}.chk".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.file_fchk = "{}/{}.fchk".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.file_log = "{}/{}.log".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.freq_com = "{}/freq_{}.com".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.freq_chk = "{}/freq_{}.chk".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.freq_fchk = "{}/freq_{}.fchk".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
self.freq_log = "{}/freq_{}.log".format(self.working_dir, prefix)
# create folders
os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.working_dir))
[docs] def setup_calc(self, fw_spec, calc_type='opt'):
self.setup_files(fw_spec, calc_type=calc_type)
name_tag = fw_spec.get("name_tag", ) or self.get("name_tag") or ""
solvent = fw_spec.get("solvent", ) or self.get("solvent", )
self.gs_charge = fw_spec.get("gs_charge") or self.get("gs_charge") or get_groundState(self.identifier) or 0
self.gs_spin = fw_spec.get("gs_spin") or self.get("gs_spin") or get_groundState(self.identifier,
prop='spin') or 1
use_iop = fw_spec.get("use_iop", True) if self.get("use_iop", True) else self.get("use_iop")
run_from_com = fw_spec.get("run_from_com") or self.get("run_from_com") or False
# get iop string (omega value) for the calculation
self.iop_str = fw_spec.get("iop_str", ) or self.get("iop_str", )
if not self.iop_str and use_iop:
molecule_data = RESTAPI(
method='get', endpoint="restapi/molecules/_id={}/".format(self.identifier),
url="", return_json=True
tuned_w = molecule_data[0]["mol_characterization"]['omega'][0]['value']
self.iop_str = str(int(tuned_w * 1e4)).zfill(5) + "00000"
except Exception:
# get starting geometry for calculation
geometry = fw_spec.get("geometry", ) or self.get("geometry", )
geometry_sites = fw_spec.get("{}_geom".format(geometry), )
if run_from_com:
self.mol = GaussianInput.from_file(self.file_com).molecule
if geometry_sites:
self.mol = Molecule.from_sites([Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in geometry_sites])
geometry_hash = fw_spec.get("{}_hash".format(geometry),
orig_hash_id(self.identifier, self.calc_name, self.paramset.functional,
self.paramset.basis_set, tuning_parameter=self.iop_str,
self.mol = get_db_geom(geometry_hash) or start_from_smiles(
self.identifier) if geometry_hash else start_from_smiles(self.identifier)
# End job if the total number of atoms is greater than 200
num_atoms = len(self.mol.sites)
if num_atoms > 200:
return FWAction(defuse_children=True,
update_spec={"defuser_reason": "The molecule has {} atoms".format(num_atoms)})
# Update route parameters with omega value and pcm solvent
radical_electrons = (self.gs_spin - 1 - self.paramset.charge) % 2
self.paramset.multiplicity = radical_electrons + 1 # calculate spin multiplicity with Hand's rule
self.paramset.charge += self.gs_charge
# Update functional for unrestricted calculation
self.functional = self.paramset.functional if self.restricted else "R{}".format(self.paramset.functional)
print("Charge: ", self.paramset.charge, "\t Multiplicity: ", self.paramset.multiplicity)
self.paramset.link0_parameters.update({"%chk": self.file_chk, "%mem": "48GB", "%nprocshared": nprocs})
if self.iop_str and use_iop:
self.paramset.route_parameters.update({"iop(3/107={}, 3/108={})".format(self.iop_str, self.iop_str): ""})
if solvent:
self.paramset.route_parameters.update({"SCRF": "(PCM,Solvent={})".format(solvent)})
[docs] def run_check(self):
# check if this job has already run and been uploaded to the backend DB
_hash = get_hash_id(self.identifier, self.file_com, self.full_name)
response = RESTAPI(method='get', endpoint="restapi/rawdata/computation/_id={}".format(_hash),
url="", return_json=True).response
if response:
return True
return False
[docs] def post_job(self, upload_files=None, delete_files=None, calc_type=None, name_tag=''):
# Upload data to database through website
upload_files = upload_files or [self.file_log, self.file_fchk]
delete_files = [] # delete_files or [self.file_chk, self.file_com, self.file_fchk, self.file_log]
calc_type = calc_type or self.calc_name
if os.path.isfile(self.file_log):
_hash = get_hash_id(self.identifier, self.file_log, self.calc_name)
self.data_hash = _hash
upload_names = [f.split('/')[-1] for f in upload_files]
zip_path = zip_files(upload_names, zip_name='{}_{}.zip'.format(self.identifier, name_tag + self.full_name))
if self.submit:
submission = RESTAPI(method='post', endpoint='tools/upload/computation-gaussian',
url="", expected_endpoint="tools/user_uploads",
params=dict(molecule_id=self.identifier, calculation_type=calc_type))
if not submission.successful:
raise Exception("Calculation files not successfully submitted with endpoint {}. Response endpoint "
"was {}, not {}. \nSubmission Params: {} \n Zip path: {}".format(
submission.endpoint, submission.response.request.url, submission.expected_endpoint,
submission.params, zip_path))
print("File {}_{}.zip successfully posted!".format(self.identifier, name_tag + self.full_name))
# Write runfile to runfile_log so the runfile can be deleted after calculation
with open(self.runfile_log, 'a') as fn:
fn.write("{}, {}\n".format(self.data_hash, self.working_dir))
# TODO write script that checks process status, approves, and deletes run dir
# Remove excess files
if delete_files:
for file in delete_files:
os.system("rm -fr {}".format(file))
class RunGaussianEnergy(GaussianBase):
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
setup_obj = self.setup_calc(fw_spec, calc_type='energy')
if isinstance(setup_obj, FWAction):
return setup_obj
# generate the input for gaussian energy run
gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=self.paramset, mol=self.mol)
gauss_inp.write_file(self.file_com, cart_coords=True)
if self.check_if_already_run:
if self.run_check():
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.calc_dir, "identifier": self.identifier,
"gs_charge": self.gs_charge, "gs_spin": self.gs_spin,
"{}_hash".format(self.full_name): get_hash_id(self.identifier, self.file_com,
"iop_str": self.iop_str})
# run gaussian16
print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN ENERGY JOB {} for {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier)) + " " + self.file_com, shell=True)
# check for normal termination of gaussian job
gout = GaussianOutput(self.file_log)
final_energy = gout.final_energy
if not gout.properly_terminated:
raise RuntimeError(self.file_com + " not terminated. calc_dir " + self.working_dir)
return_code ="formchk " + self.file_chk, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("formatted checkpoint file could not be created")
# Clean up files and transfer to website processing
self.post_job(delete_files=[self.file_log, self.file_chk, self.file_fchk, self.file_com])
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.working_dir, "identifier": self.identifier, "iop_str": self.iop_str,
"gs_charge": self.gs_charge, "gs_spin": self.gs_spin,
"{}_eng".format(self.full_name): final_energy})
class RunGaussianOpt(GaussianBase):
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
setup_obj = self.setup_calc(fw_spec, calc_type='opt')
if isinstance(setup_obj, FWAction):
return setup_obj
# run gaussian optimize until normal termination is achieved. max runs is 5
runs = 0
converged = False
final_structure, final_energy, gibbs_correction = None, None, None
while not converged and runs < 5:
runs += 1
# write input files for gaussian optimization calculation
gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=self.paramset, mol=self.mol)
gauss_inp.write_file(self.file_com, cart_coords=True)
if self.check_if_already_run:
if self.run_check():
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.calc_dir, "identifier": self.identifier,
"gs_charge": self.gs_charge, "gs_spin": self.gs_spin,
"{}_hash".format(self.full_name): get_hash_id(self.identifier, self.file_com,
"iop_str": self.iop_str})
# run gaussian optimization
if not os.path.isfile(self.file_log) or not os.path.isfile(self.file_chk) or runs != 1:
print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN OPT JOB {} for {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier)) + " " + self.file_com, shell=True)
gout = GaussianOutput(self.file_log)
# check for normal termination
if not gout.properly_terminated:
self.mol = gout.final_structure
except IndexError: # if previous job never even finished 1 structure
return_code ="formchk " + self.file_chk, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("formatted checkpoint file for opt calculation could not be created")
if self.skip_freq:
final_structure = gout.final_structure.as_dict()['sites']
converged = True
# generate input for frequency calculation
ginp = gout.to_input()
# update route parameters
if ginp.route_parameters.get("iop(3107", ):
self.iop_str = ginp.route_parameters["iop(3107"].split(",")[0]
ginp.route_parameters = {"iop(3/107={}, 3/108={})".format(self.iop_str, self.iop_str): "", "freq": "",
"Geom": "AllCheck", "Guess": "TCheck", "SCRF": "Check"}
ginp.route_parameters = {"freq": "", "Geom": "AllCheck", "Guess": "TCheck", "SCRF": "Check"}
ginp.link0_parameters.update({"%chk": self.freq_chk, "%oldchk": self.file_chk})
ginp.dieze_tag = '#P'
ginp.write_file(self.freq_com, cart_coords=True)
# run gaussian frequency
if not os.path.isfile(self.freq_log) or not os.path.isfile(self.freq_chk) or runs != 1:
print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN FREQUENCY JOB {} for {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier))"{} {} > {}".format(self.gaussian_cmd, self.freq_com, self.freq_log), shell=True)
fgout = GaussianOutput(self.freq_log)
if not fgout.properly_terminated:
raise RuntimeError("Frequency calculation failed Normal termination")
elif fgout.frequencies[0][0]["frequency"] < 0:
self.mol.perturb(0.1) # perturb structure to find structure with no negative frequencies
converged = True
return_code ="formchk " + self.freq_chk, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("formatted checkpoint file for frequency calculation could not be created")
final_structure = gout.final_structure.as_dict()['sites']
final_energy = gout.final_energy
gibbs_correction = gout.corrections.get("Gibbs Free Energy")
if not converged:
raise RuntimeError("Structure not converged. calc_dir " + self.working_dir)
# Clean up files and transfer to website processing
if not self.skip_freq:
freq_name = "freq_{}".format(self.full_name.split('_')[-1])
self.post_job(upload_files=[self.freq_log, self.freq_fchk], calc_type=freq_name,
delete_files=[self.freq_log, self.freq_chk, self.freq_fchk, self.freq_com], name_tag="freq_")
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.calc_dir, "identifier": self.identifier, "gs_charge": self.gs_charge,
"gs_spin": self.gs_spin,
"{}_hash".format(self.full_name): self.data_hash,
"{}_geom".format(self.full_name): final_structure,
"{}_eng".format(self.full_name): final_energy,
"{}_gibb".format(self.full_name): gibbs_correction,
"iop_str": self.get('iop_str')})
class RunWtuning(FiretaskBase):
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
# get parameters
path = env_chk(self.get('path'), fw_spec)
runfile_log = env_chk(self.get('runfile_log'), fw_spec)
paramset = self["paramset"]
identifier = fw_spec.get("identifier", ) or self.get("identifier")
gs_charge = fw_spec.get("gs_charge") or self.get("gs_charge") or get_groundState(identifier)
gs_spin = fw_spec.get("gs_spin") or self.get("gs_spin") or get_groundState(identifier, prop='spin')
gaussian_file_name = fw_spec.get("gaussian_file_name") or self.get("gaussian_file_name") or "gaussian"
calc_dir = "{}/{}/{}".format(path, identifier, gaussian_file_name)
check_if_already_run = fw_spec.get("check_if_already_run", ) or self.get("check_if_already_run") or False
submit = fw_spec.get("submit") or self.get("submit") or True
restricted = fw_spec.get("restricted", True) if self.get("restricted", True) else self.get("restricted")
radical_electrons = (gs_spin - 1 - paramset.charge) % 2
paramset.multiplicity = radical_electrons + 1 # calculate spin multiplicity with Hand's rule
paramset.charge += gs_charge
print(paramset.charge, paramset.multiplicity)
geometry = fw_spec.get("geometry", ) or self.get("geometry", )
geometry_sites = fw_spec.get("{}_geom".format(geometry), )
if geometry_sites:
mol = Molecule.from_sites([Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in geometry_sites])
geometry_hash = fw_spec.get("{}_hash".format(geometry), )
mol = get_db_geom(geometry_hash)
except LookupError:
mol = start_from_smiles(identifier)
# create folder
working_dir = "{}/{}".format(calc_dir, "wtuning")
os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(working_dir))
gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=paramset, mol=mol)
gauss_inp.write_file('', cart_coords=True)
# check if job has already run
if check_if_already_run:
init_query = RESTAPI(method='get',
url="", return_json=True).response
if init_query:
omega_dict_list = init_query[0].get("mol_characterization", {}).get('omega')
if isinstance(omega_dict_list, list):
tuned_w = omega_dict_list[0].get('value')
iop_str = str(int(tuned_w * 1e4)).zfill(5) + "00000"
return FWAction(
update_spec={"iop_str": iop_str, "gaussrun_dir": calc_dir, "identifier": identifier,
"gs_charge": gs_charge, "gs_spin": gs_spin})
# generate the input for wtuning in gaussian and run tuning
functional = paramset.functional if restricted else "R{}".format(paramset.functional)
wt_mol = WtuningJob(func=functional, basis=paramset.basis_set, name="wtuning", nproc=nprocs, mem=48,
n_charge=paramset.charge, n_spin=paramset.multiplicity, wdir='./', scheme='Jh', wbmin=0.05,
wt_mol.mol = mol
# get the tuned w value from the run
with open("output.log", "r") as f:
output =
tuned_w = float(output.strip().split()[-3])
iop_str = str(int(tuned_w * 1e4)).zfill(5) + "00000"
# Upload data to database through website
file_list = ['', 'output.log']
zip_name = zip_files(file_list, zip_name='{}/{}'.format(working_dir, identifier))
if submit:
submission = RESTAPI(method='post', endpoint='tools/upload/computation-gaussian',
url="", expected_endpoint="tools/user_uploads",
params=dict(molecule_id=identifier, calculation_type=self['name']))
if not submission.successful:
raise Exception("Calculation files not successfully submitted with endpoint {}. Responce endpoint "
"was {}, not {}".format(submission.endpoint, submission.response.request.url,
data_hash = get_hash_id(identifier, '', self['name'], output_file='output.log')
with open(runfile_log, 'a') as fn:
fn.write("{}, {}\n".format(data_hash, working_dir))
os.system("rm -rf *.chk *.fchk tuning_wtuning_ocycle*")
return FWAction(
update_spec={"iop_str": iop_str, "gaussrun_dir": calc_dir, "identifier": identifier, "gs_charge": gs_charge,
"gs_spin": gs_spin})
class RunGaussianTDDFT(GaussianBase):
# Does not yet have solvent capability
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
setup_obj = self.setup_calc(fw_spec, calc_type='energy')
if isinstance(setup_obj, FWAction):
return setup_obj
# generate the input for gaussian energy run
gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=self.paramset, mol=self.mol)
gauss_inp.write_file(self.file_com, cart_coords=True)
if self.check_if_already_run:
# run gaussian16
print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN TDDFT JOB {} for {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier)) + " " + self.file_com, shell=True)
# check for normal termination of gaussian job
gout = GaussianOutput(self.file_log)
if not gout.properly_terminated:
raise RuntimeError(self.file_com + " not terminated. calc_dir " + self.working_dir)
return_code ="formchk " + self.file_chk, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("TDDFT calculation formatted checkpoint file could not be created")
if self.run_nto:
nto_com, nto_chk = write_nto(self.file_log, 1, tddft_chk=self.file_chk) + " " + nto_com, shell=True)
nto_gout = GaussianOutput(nto_com.replace(".com", ".log"))
if not nto_gout.properly_terminated:
raise RuntimeError(nto_com + " not terminated. calc_dir " + self.working_dir)
return_code ="formchk " + nto_chk, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("NTO analysis formatted checkpoint file could not be created")
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.calc_dir, "identifier": self.identifier, "iop_str": self.iop_str,
"gs_charge": self.gs_charge, "gs_spin": self.gs_spin})
# RETIRED CLASS. This class needs the OCELOT API to be installed.
# @explicit_serialize
# class GetLowestEConformer(GaussianBase):
# def run_task(self, fw_spec):
# self["use_iop"] = False
# self.setup_files(fw_spec, calc_type='conformations')
# smiles = fw_spec.get("smiles", ) or self["smiles"]
# mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
# molH = AllChem.AddHs(mol)
# c = ConfGen(m=molH, mol_name=self.identifier, prune_in_gen=0.5)
# c.genconfs(write_confs=True)
# structures, energies = {}, {}
# for f in [f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if f.endswith('.xyz')]:
# self["prefix"] = f.strip('.xyz')
# self.setup_files(fw_spec, calc_type='conformations')
# self.paramset.link0_parameters.update({"%chk": self.file_chk, "%mem": "48GB", "%nprocshared": nprocs})
# self.paramset.basis_set = ' '
# mol = Molecule.from_file(f)
# gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=self.paramset, mol=mol, dieze_tag="#")
# gauss_inp.write_file(self.file_com, cart_coords=True)
# print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN ENERGY JOB {} for {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier))
# + " " + self.file_com, shell=True)
# # check for normal termination of gaussian job
# gout = GaussianOutput(self.file_log)
# if not gout.properly_terminated:
# continue
# try:
# energies[f] = gout.final_energy
# except:
# energies[f] = get_scfs(self.file_log)[-1]
# structures[f] = gout.final_structure.as_dict()['sites']
# lowest_e_conf = max(energies, key=energies.get)
# mol = Molecule.from_file(lowest_e_conf)
# conformer = structures[f]
# for file in [self.file_chk, self.file_com]:
# os.system("rm -fr {}".format(file))
# return FWAction(
# update_spec={"identifier": self.identifier, "conformer_geom": conformer, "energy_dict": energies})
class RunGaussianDihedRot(GaussianBase):
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
setup_obj = self.setup_calc(fw_spec, calc_type='dihedrot')
if isinstance(setup_obj, FWAction):
return setup_obj
# Get dihedral angle atoms to be rotated and frozen
degree = self['dihed_degree']
rdk_mol = pmgmol_to_rdmol(self.mol)[0]
dihed_idxs = [i for i in get_central_dihed(rdk_mol)[0]]
# Set dihedral angle
rotated_mol = SetDihedralDeg(rdk_mol.GetConformer(), *dihed_idxs, degree)
# generate the input for gaussian energy run
structure = AllChem.rdmolfiles.MolToXYZBlock(rotated_mol)
mol = Molecule.from_str(structure, 'xyz')
{"opt": "modredundant", 'SCF': '(MaxCycle=512)', 'Int': '(Grid=SuperFine)'})
gauss_inp = generate_gaussian_input(paramset=self.paramset, mol=mol)
gauss_inp.write_file(self.file_com, cart_coords=True)
# Freeze dihedral angle in com file
with open(self.file_com, 'r') as com:
lines = com.readlines()[:-2]
lines.append("D {} {} {} {} ={} B\n".format(dihed_idxs[0], dihed_idxs[1], dihed_idxs[2], dihed_idxs[3], degree))
lines.append("D {} {} {} {} F\n\n".format(dihed_idxs[0], dihed_idxs[1], dihed_idxs[2], dihed_idxs[3]))
with open(self.file_com, 'w') as com:
# run gaussian16
print('SUBMITTING GAUSSIAN DIHED ROT JOB {} for {} at {}'.format(self.full_name, self.identifier, degree)) + " " + self.file_com, shell=True)
# check for normal termination of gaussian job
gout = GaussianOutput(self.file_log)
if not gout.properly_terminated:
raise RuntimeError(self.file_com + " not terminated. calc_dir " + self.working_dir)
return_code ="formchk {} {}".format(self.file_chk, self.file_fchk), shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("formatted checkpoint file could not be created")
# Insert into database
runtime = runtime_from_log(self.file_log)
pmgmol = IMolecule.from_file(self.file_log)
mol_xyz ="xyz")
num_electrons = gout.electrons[0]
eigens = list(gout.eigenvalues.values())[0]
homo = eigens[num_electrons - 1] * 27.2114
lumo = eigens[num_electrons] * 27.2114
# energy = out_mol.final_energy * 27.2114
energy = min(gout.energies) * 27.2114
backbone_len = np.amax(pmgmol.distance_matrix)
insert_data = {
# Polymer data
"molecule_name": self.get('mol_name'),
"tuned_omega": self.iop_str,
# Rotation dictionaries
"structures": {int(degree): mol_xyz},
"energies": {int(degree): energy},
"homos": {int(degree): homo},
"lumos": {int(degree): lumo},
"runtimes": {int(degree): runtime},
"backbone_length": {int(degree): backbone_len}
D3Database(database="random", collection_name="dihed_rot", instance=insert_data).insert(self.identifier,
# Clean up files
delete_files = [self.file_log, self.file_chk, self.file_fchk, self.file_com]
for file in delete_files:
os.system("rm -fr {}".format(file))
return FWAction(
update_spec={"gaussrun_dir": self.working_dir, "identifier": self.identifier, "iop_str": self.iop_str})